What does bazinga mean big bang

The wesponse has been amazing. Sheldon: Oh, no, me as well. Uh, please e-mail it to Sheldon at bazinga dot biz. Why dot biz? Because I just gave you the business.

And also bazinga dot com was taken. Sheldon: Well, Amy enjoys knitting her own sweaters, so I was thinking of getting her an all-expense-paid trip to the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival. Scully: "We're not sure. Either a forger by the name of Micah Hoffman, or uh, someone else in the vicinity of Jesus Christ.

Big Bang Theory. Young Sheldon. George Cooper Jr. Missy Cooper Meemaw Jeff Difford. Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4. Explore Wikis Community Central.

Register Don't have an account? History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Leonard : You really think so? Leonard: Check. Sheldon: Freeze-dried spicy mustard? Sheldon: Flash-frozen brown rice, not white? Leonard: Uh, oh, sorry. Howard : Really? None of you ever see my practical jokes coming, do you?

Leonard: No, this has to stop now. Sheldon: Oh, pulling strings, are we? Raj: Sheldon, for God's sakes, don't make me beg. Howard: Yeah? Sheldon: Your shoes are delightful. Where did you get them? Howard: What? Sheldon: Bazinga. I don't care. Sheldon, come here!! Penny: You're just coitusing with me, aren't you?

Sheldon: Go ahead. Howard: A, are you kidding me? And B, seriously, are you freaking kidding me? Sheldon: A, I rarely kid. And B, when I do kid, you will know it by my use of the word bazinga. Howard: So you're saying the two of you are going to be sleeping in the same bed? Sheldon: Yes Leonard: What for? It's not going to rain. Sheldon: I know that, but with skin as fair as mine, moon burn is a real possibility.

Howard: That's a bazinga, right? Sheldon: One of my best, don't you think? Leonard: That's it. Turns off the television with Sheldon's head. It first appeared in the series of " The Big Bang Theory " and is used by the character named Sheldon. It comes from the word "zing" which means to fool or rediculous someone. And later the series added the "a" to it, and then it became "Bazinga".

So this is a conversation between all the characters where Sheldon fools everybody with his classic joke and then say:"Bazinga! Cuppy was most certainly kidding, since the book was a satire, but I felt it was important to know that the fabrication of the term preceded "The Big Bang Theory" by about 60 years.

Although we lack statistics, it must have been one of the largest in the ancient world, completely equipped with the very best concubines obtainable in Africa, all skilled in dancing, singing and playing on the bazinga , or seven-stringed harp.

Bazinga is the word used by Dr. Bazinga can be used in place of such words and phrases such as Your mom, In your face, Face, and the That 70s Show word - Burn. A follow up after a sarcastic expression.

What is bazinga? So this is a conversation between all the characters where Sheldon fools everybody with his classic joke and then say:"Bazinga! My parents are getting divorced Bazinga! I just replaced your toothpaste with denture cream. Person One: Tell me a Joke.


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