There are currently over 50 different versions of the Social Security card, all of which are valid. Until , original SSN cards and replacement cards were different. The following chart lists the changes in the SSN card with effective dates. This version of the SSN card includes additional security features. Some of the more recognizable features are:. A unique, non-repeating spiral design, replaced the existing marbleized pattern. The new pattern is the same or a very similar color to the current background and continues to be erasable.
Color-shifting inks were added to the face of the card; very recognizable since it is used in currency. A latent image on the face of the card, visible only when the document is viewed at specific angles. The left side of the SSN card carrier includes an explanation of the date printed under the signature line on the SSN card. Instructions were updated for clarity and to ask that the NH report changes in name, U.
SSA began issuing a counterfeit-resistant SSN card on blue banknote paper with randomly placed, colored planchettes on the back.
The format of the stub was changed to envelope size the card was a small two-sided tear-off of the stub. The card and the stub were the same as the prior version. Instructions added information that a woman should contact SSA when she reached age Instructions on the back of the card said to get in touch with SSA if a worker became totally disabled. The SSA seal appeared as a slightly stippled design in the same shade of blue as the rest of the format.
The stub had the SSN preprinted in red. The card itself was the same as the prior version, but there were some variations in the printings. April All local Connecticut Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service unless you have an appointment.
Appointments will be for specific situations where dire needs exist. If an individual is unable to conduct business online, check the online field office locator — for specific information about how to directly contact a local office in your area.
The National number is and TTY You should first visit your local Social Security office to apply for a card in your new name before heading to a Secretary of State office. The Social Security Administration requires you to provide proof of your identity, U. Additional proof may be requested. If you don't inform the Social Security Administration of your name change, the Department of State can't process your driver's license or state ID card application.
The department verifies all names and Social Security numbers before issuing a license or ID card. If your name and date of birth don't match with what is on file at the Social Security Administration, your application will be denied. After changing your name with the Social Security Administration, wait three business days before visiting a Secretary of State office to apply for your license or ID card to ensure your records with the Social Security Administration have been updated.
Where can I get more information about applying for a Social Security card? Contact the Social Security Administration at or visit its Web site at www. Browsers that can not handle javascript will not be able to access some features of this site. Some functions of this site are disabled for browsers blocking jQuery.
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