Scripture: Matthew Denomination: Baptist. Texts: Matthew Leading the way were the pioneers. They were the forerunners who preceded all others exploring the uncharted territories. Their ambition was to investigate every valley, climb every mountain, traverse every desert, cross every river, and face every foe as they explored the land of opportunity that lay before them.
They were adventurers, ready to face danger and quite possibly even death in their quest to conquer the new frontier. After the pioneers came the people we call settlers. When a pathway was created and territories mapped out, caravans of horse drawn wagons took colonists on a westbound trek looking for a place to establish a community and raise a family.
When such a place was discovered the settlers pitch tents and then erected homes. Then they built towns, stake out farmlands, and began settlements. They had no desire to explore the next valley or climb the next peak. They were more interested in safety and security then with adventure and excitement.
Pioneers are explorers, seeking to go where no one had gone before. Settlers are different. They seek safety. They avoid risking life and limb preferring the shelter and security of the settlement to the adventurous danger of uncharted territories.
A fellow pastor recently made an interesting observation about pioneers and settlers. It was the life of a pioneer that was fraught with danger. They feel crowded in the streets. Their days are slow and lack challenge. When you do, keep this story handy. Connect with him via email here. Follow him on Facebook , LinkedIn , Twitter. Sign up for his newsletter here to get one new story a week delivered to your inbox. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Innovative, fresh ideas that this team uncovers are then stolen by the Settler team. Settlers take the inspired ideas that Pioneers came up with, flesh them out, and make them a reality. They study current trends and improve on the product or service so that there is momentum, growth, meeting the users' needs, and earning profits.
Once the Settlers have a product or service that is proven to work well, the Town Planners enter the scene and steal the progress in order to take it to an industrialised level.
The Town Planners enter the cycle and do more research into how to make the product or service better. The goal is to duplicate what works on the largest scale while increasing efficiency and creating a commodity or utility. View more.
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