What was sputnik and why was it so important

American officials took several measures to boost the nation's technological capabilities. Sputnik 1's huge cultural impact can be seen in the spate of "nik" neologisms its launch spurred, a few of which remain in use today. And beatnik, in turn, sparked another coinage — "neatnik. The term "no-goodnik," for example, has been around since at least , according to Merriam-Webster.

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Mike Wall. See all comments 0. No comments yet Comment from the forums. An El-Al Boeing cargo jet was scheduled to bring Televangelist Jim Bakker is indicted on federal charges of mail and wire fraud and of conspiring to defraud the public. The case against the founder of Praise the Lord PTL Ministries and three of his aides exploded in the press when it was revealed that Bakker had sex with President Abraham Lincoln observes a balloon demonstration near Washington, D. Both Confederate and Union armies experimented with using balloons to gather military intelligence in the early stages of the war, but the balloons proved to be dangerous and impractical for most Some 7, mourners attended her funeral.

Smith had been killed a few days before when the old Packard she was driving hit a parked truck near Coahoma, Mississippi, between On October 4, , Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower distributes to his combat units a report by the U. Surgeon General that reveals the hazards of prolonged exposure to combat. The U. Government suffered a severe setback in December of when its first artificial satellite, named Vanguard , exploded on the launch pad, serving as a very visible reminder of how much the country had yet to accomplish to be able to compete militarily with the Soviets.

At last, on January 31, , the United States succeeded in launching its first satellite, the Explorer. The Explorer was still slighter than Sputnik , but its launch sent it deeper into space. The Soviets responded with yet another launch, and the space race continued. Fear that they had fallen behind led U. The successful launch of Sputnik 1 was a major victory for the Soviet Union, for they had become the first nation to send an object into orbit.

Sputnik 1, however, had very limited capabilities. Although it was extremely fast, with an orbit time of only 96 minutes, all it did was emit a high pitched beep. This allowed people to track its whereabouts for research and space exploration purposes.

It could not take pictures or do anything more sophisticated. Many parallels can be drawn between these two similar objects and the reactions that they evoked, the most blatant of which being that the launches of both projectiles represent aspects of the Cold War in which the Soviet Union bested the United States.

This major accomplishment is akin to that of the launch of Sputnik.


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