What makes a faucet squeal

There may be instances where you will have to install a pressure regulator. If you have done all you can and the problem persists, it may be time to replace your plumbing system or install a new faucet. If you are in Pennsylvania, you can register to use ServiceWhale to look for contractors compare price estimates. With our plumbing services and great deals, home improvement is made easy. To learn more about maintaining your Pennsylvania house, and finding a professional contractor to fix a noisy faucet in your home, check out our available services.

Press enter to see results or esc to cancel. ServiceWhale in Plumbing April 8, What to Do About a Noisy Faucet Even after moving into a new house in Pennsylvania or finishing a remodeling project, it is important to keep your home in tip-top shape. Identify the Noise We know that loud faucets get irritating, but next time you turn on the faucet, pay close attention to what sound it makes. Otherwise, lubrication will not be enough to solve the problem. Always remember that the water pressure that goes to your room should have a measure of fewer than 80 pounds per square inch.

When the velocity exceeds this number, it will cause the whistling noise everyone can hear. To get an accurate reading, get a pressure gauge. There are lots of inexpensive ones on the market, so a simple trip to the home improvement section will net you one. Make sure to screw it onto a hose bibb for it to give you the right reading.

You have two options to solve this problem: you can either get a plumber to install a pressure-reading valve or buy a new pipe as a replacement to the old, blocked one. The problem is fixable even when you do it on your own. But with more than , plumbers in the country, you can rely on them to do the job and make the most out of it. Before doing anything, make sure that you know the water pressure coming into the closet. Check the pressure from the shut-off valve. If the pressure is too low or too high, the sharp, high-pitched sound will be the result.

You can try setting the valve to the right pressure. If the squeaking ceases, then you solved the problem. Otherwise, you need to check for other problems. Doing this can help in dislodging any debris that settled within. Home Guides Home Home Improvement. Related Articles. Listen closely. If you think that the sound is coming from the faucet, then you should take the faucet apart and check for cracks or damage in any of the components. If it seems to be ok, then reassemble and make sure everything is tightened securely.

Call a plumber to investigate the problem further. Problem: The faucet squeaks when you turn the handle. Solution: A squeaky faucet usually means that the threads inside the faucet handle are worn out. Put it all back together, and the squeaking should be gone. Problem: Water is spitting out of the faucet instead of streaming out. Solution: If the water comes spluttering out of the faucet, you probably have a clogged aerator.


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