What makes a dragonfly fly

Dragonflies can fly backwards, as well as upside-down. This is due to their fantastic wing control. However, there are some records of dragonflies being seen during the nighttime. This can be because they are migrating over the sea and are not able to land or because they are taking advantage of night-flying insects.

Like all insects, they do not produce their own heat, except through the movement of their muscles. If they are going to be active at night, it will need to be a particularly warm night to make up for the lack of the sun to warm them. Many insects have been found to fly up into the jet streams, high above the ground, in order to travel quickly between destinations.

It is possible that dragonflies, particularly migrating ones, do similar. However, most of the time, dragonflies will stay pretty low, hunting where most of their prey is gathered, above ponds or hedgerows, or even over the crowns of trees. A Picture for Pinterest. The way a dragonfly flies is extraordinary. Their ability to turn quickly, alter their direction of flight, and move between different styles of flying, is a marvel of nature.

Menu Skip to right header navigation Skip to main content Skip to secondary navigation Skip to primary sidebar. Contents Taking to the wing Why do dragonflies fly? The anatomy of a wing How fast can a dragonfly fly? Can dragonflies fly backwards?

Do dragonflies fly at night? In addition, the strongest part of the wing is a long vein costa along the leading edge that allows the dragonfly to cut through the air during flight. Dragonfly flight is powered by muscles that are attached to the base of each wing. These muscles control wing shape and wing angle. What is truly remarkable is that, at any one time, each wing can do different things, even using different methods to generate thrust!

To achieve the desired flight pattern, dragonflies can: adjust wing shape, wing angle, move a wing more forward or backward from its usual position, stop one or two wings, or change the relative relationship between any two wings on either side of the body.

Dragonfly Flight. It follows from this that your best chance of getting Dragonflies to prey on pests is to develop the habitat so that it is particularly suitable for Dragonflies, a worthwhile aim in itself!

Dragonflies do have enemies. Among the species that catch and eat adult dragonflies and damselflies are birds e. Wagtails and Hobbies , Spiders many damselflies are caught in webs , Frogs, and larger species of dragonflies which catch and eat other dragonflies and damselflies. In the larval stage, which is spent underwater, they are preyed on by fish, frogs, toads and newts, other water invertebrates — and Kingfishers see photo below.

Their defences include their excellent eyesight and flying skills which can help them to evade capture. Some are coloured black and yellow, or black and red, which is the universal warning colouration and may deter some of the bird predators. There are many legends and myths about dragonflies and damselflies from all parts of the world. Many are evident from their common nicknames. This name may come from the way a captured dragonfly curls its abdomen as if in an attempt to sting.

Another possible explanation of this name is that the big Aeshnids etc. Here they were actually feeding on the flies attracted to the horses.

People seeing it made the inference that it was the dragon, being big and obvious, stinging, rather than an unseen fly biting. Naturally there is no truth in either myth Similar myths are found throughout the world. You can find more about them by visiting Cultural Odonatology References , a site which has reference material relating to myths, legends, folklore and cultural significance of Odonata throughout the world. For more myths, and mythical names used in Europe you could visit Swedish Dragonflies where you will find a page of such items.

Both these links will open in a new window. Yes, Dragonflies do have a pair of antennae. They are very tiny and difficult to see. If you look at the photo you will just be able to see the antennae between the front of the eye and the front of the face of this Emperor dragonfly. As dragonflies rely much more on their eyesight than on a sense of touch or smell, they do not need the large antennae found on some beetles and moths. Several species of dragonfly are known to collect in large aggregations or swarms.

In most cases this appears to be due to very favourable feeding conditions in the locality. This is less likely as males are much more aggressive to each other when looking for a mate. The Four-spotted Chaser occasionally collects in these large aggregations before making a mass movement to another locality like a bird migration.

The reasons for this are unclear but may be due to population pressures. There are records from the US of migratory assemblages of species such as the Green Darner Anax junius and various species of Saddlebags Tramea. It is laying eggs. While damselflies and some dragonflies will settle on vegetation and insert eggs into stalks and other material in or near the water, many dragonflies will fly across the water dipping the end of their abdomens into the water and releasing eggs.

These eggs are surrounded by a jelly-like substance which enables the eggs to stick to vegetation or the bottom of the pond. Some species will remain paired while the female does this, while in others the male will fly nearby to guard the female from the attentions of other males.

Dragonflies have extremely good vision, which they use to locate and catch small insects in flight. Like most insects, they have compound eyes. In the case of dragonflies the eyes contain several thousand individual facets, each containing a tiny lens. Each individual lens has a low resolution but by combining the images from all of them dragonflies can achieve a level of resolution that is better than most other insects and thus their sight is particularly good.

They use their amazing sight to catch other insects in flight, in addition to spotting potential mates and predators. Visual acuity varies between species, with migratory dragonflies having the best sight and damselflies with their rather smaller eyes somewhat less, but still very good. Open the doors and windows and leave it to find its own way out if possible. If it does not find its own way out after leaving the doors and windows open for some time, you could try gently ushering it out with a newspaper..

As a last resort, grasp the base of the wings firmly between your fingers and release it outside quickly. The best advice is to leave it be. If it has only recently emerged it will just be resting to gain strength to start its adult life. If it is cool it may be gathering any sun or other warmth to enable it to fly, as temperature has a significant effect on dragonfly activity levels.

It may have just eaten and is digesting its meal, with no need to eat again for a little while. It uses a lot of energy to fly so it will only do so if there is a purpose — usually to find food or a mate. Even if it is unwell there is not really anything that can be done and it is best left alone. If deemed necessary, move it to a safe location, such as high up on some sheltered plants in a sunny location, by grasping it firmly by the base of its wings.

Dragonflies can usually fly with a damaged or even missing wing, unless it has been damaged during emergence from its larval skin.

If so, it is likely to be perched near to water. Emerging or newly emerged dragonflies are very vulnerable to damage by rain or strong wind, or attack by other creatures e. A mature individual with a ragged wing will be a less accomplished flier, but may still catch prey and survive quite well. Dragonflies associate with water so the best place to start is a local pond, lake or river that is reasonably unpolluted. If you have a nature reserve locally that has a water body then that is likely to be a good place to visit.

Different species are associated with different types of habitat. We also list good dragonfly sites throughout the UK and have specific pages for Wales and Scotland. Consider coming along to one of the many BDS field meetings held each summer. Check our events page , which lists dragonfly events held by us and other organisations, to see if there is anything happening near you.

Generally the pond needs to be a reasonable size, 2m 2 at least, containing varying depths of water with at least one portion where the side slopes into the water and contain a mix of vegetation both in and around the water, without being too overgrown.

Always try to choose native plants of local provenance and avoid non-native invasive species.


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