Watchmen fans from San Diego Comic-Con are here to help. EXTRA A Graphic Novel Recap. The Legacy of Watchmen. Dave Gibbons Illustrates Sister Night. You May Also Like. The Leftovers. True Detective. True Blood. Manhattan — who will become a kind of God — initially grows up as a watchmaker. It is often Dr. Manhattan who discusses issues of determinism and free will, as when he explains to the second Silk Spectre, " We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings. Megalomania is also addressed in Watchmen , but not with conventional "villains".
Instead, Ozymandias is presented as an idealist who looks to the past for inspiration so that he may better use his prodigious intellect to help mankind. A final theme that is addressed throughout the novel is human morality, particularly in the contrast between absolutism, consequentialism and moral relativism, and each of the masked adventurers seems to have a different take on how to behave in this regard.
At the extreme end of absolutism is Rorschach. Rorschach is the pinnacle of this philosophy; he believes that all criminals should be punished for their crimes and often treats radically different types of criminals in very similar ways for example, he executes both a serial rapist and a common mugger. He denies the impact of culture and context on his actions a repeated mantra of his which appears several times during the book is " Not even in the face of Armageddon.
Never compromise. As Ozymandias puts it: " I believe he's a man of great integrity, but he seems to view the world in very black and white, Manichean terms. At the other extreme in moral relativism is the Comedian. While the Comedian's own moral code is cast into severe doubt throughout the novel Doctor Manhattan describes him as "deliberately amoral", whereas Rorschach merely questions his "moral lapses" , he seems to be almost nihilistic at times.
However, his tendencies are clearly demonstrated at the first meeting of the Crimebusters in , when he explains why attempting to destroy organized crime rings is of no consequence: " inside thirty years the nukes are gonna be flyin' like maybugs However, at the finale of the novel, Ozymandias' views on morality are firmly established, and seem to be justified by their outcomes: Despite requiring the murder of three million New Yorkers and a hundred or so talented artists and scientists from around the globe, the deception of the entire world, and many other highly questionable acts, he has convinced most of the other main characters to accept the outcome of his actions.
The parallel between his actions and the conclusion of the Black Freighter story serves to weaken this interpretation. In addition, the ambiguous ending, wherein the New Frontiersman may or may not publish Rorschach's journal revealing the conspiracy, leaves the reader wondering whether or not Ozymandias has actually accomplished his goal or merely postponed an inevitable Armageddon — a point reinforced by Dr. Manhattan's enigmatic comments made before his departure.
In the end, Moore leaves the morality of the characters open to reader interpretation. Penciller, inker, and letterer Dave Gibbons and colorist John Higgins are credited with giving life to the various characters in Watchmen. They employed a variety of innovative techniques, a style that contained elements of the Golden Age of Comics and a deliberate attempt to inject realism.
Gibbons, who had worked with Moore on previous occasions, including a notable Superman story Annual 11, " For the Man Who Has Everything " , avoided convention in his work and developed a storyboard-like style to present the dialogue written by Moore. Nearly every panel includes significant details of the story-line or visual motifs such as triangles and pyramids with themes important to the plot. Golda describes the artwork as " both a tribute to the Gold and Silver Age style[s] of super hero comics.
Moreover, Watchmen rarely uses motion lines to indicate motion, another technique often utilized in the comic book industry. In Watchmen , motion lines are only used to indicate small actions, and are not utilized in fight scenes. Instead, Gibbons uses "posture and blood" to highlight the motion and movement of the characters, which "[adds] to the feel of realism and [limits the] authorial voice".
Also missing are the written, onomatopoeic sound effects that are a traditional comic book storytelling technique. Gibbons described his design of the characters as his own, derived from Moore's character notes.
Moore credits Gibbons with coming up with many of the signature symbols in Watchmen , including the iconic smiley face, which was " derived from behavioral psychology tests. They tried to find the simplest abstraction that would make a baby smile. In addition, John Higgins' coloring technique was to rely upon primary colors, again indicative of the Golden Age style, rather than a wider color selection.
Gibbons, who had no formal art training, notes among his inspirations Norman Rockwell , who was sometimes described as an illustrator with an idealized portraiture style, and Jack Kirby. The art, while deriving inspiration from various predecessors including Will Eisner and Wally Wood also named by Gibbons as major influences , is at once original in its execution and can be seen as a precursor to later realistic comic book artists such as Alex Ross.
There are many references to clocks and watches throughout the story, as Jon Osterman being trained initially as a watchmaker analogy, Janey Slater's watch which causes the test vault accident , the street watch seller who dies holding a watch showing , the many watches showing "" shortly before the "alien" teleport, the destroyed watch on the cover of Time magazine, and Veidt's mechanical model of the solar system. Adrian Veidt's teleportation technique uses tachyons , hypothetical particles with space-like four-momentum and imaginary proper time.
There are also almost as many clocks set to , a reference to the setting of the Doomsday Clock. In addition, the recurring smiley button also resembles a clock face, with the blood stain appearing as a hand on the minute position. Amid the debris on the floor in Hollis Mason 's home is a copy of the novel Gladiator by Philip Wylie, which is thought to have inspired the creation of Superman. Kennedy was murdered. This actually happened. In the same occasion, someone comments on Washington Post journalists Woodward and Bernstein being found dead, resulting in the Watergate being violently avoided in the universe of Watchmen , where Nixon was re-elected many times over.
Kitty Genovese , whose story is told by Rorschach, was a real-life person. Interestingly, in another Alan Moore work, V for Vendetta , Stanley Milgram's infamous conformity experiments are explicitly referenced, which are considered by many psychologists to be a major influence on Darley and Latane's later experiments concerning the bystander effect which were inspired by the behavior of Kitty Genovese's neighbors witnessing her rape and murder.
Nova Express , Adrian Veidt's magazine which accuses Dr. Manhattan of causing cancer, is the title of a novel by William Burroughs. Burroughs' "cut-up" technique is mentioned by Veidt when watching multiple TV screens.
A pivotal scene where Rorschach handcuffs a man to a post, gives him a hacksaw, and then burns the man to death seems to be taken directly from the Australian film Mad Max , where the hero, Max Rockatansky, does exactly the same thing in the last minutes of the film.
Watchmen was published in single-issue form over the course of and The miniseries was a commercial success, and its sales helped DC Comics briefly overtake its competitor Marvel Comics in the comic book direct market.
Watchmen received praise from those working within the comic book industry, as well as external reviewers, for its avant-garde portrayal of the traditional superhero.
Watchmen became known as a novel which allowed the comic book to be recognized as "great art", rather than a lowbrow or unsophisticated genre. Time magazine, which noted that the series was " by common assent the best of breed [sic] " of the new wave of comics published at the time, praised Watchmen as " a superlative feat of imagination, combining sci-fi, political satire, knowing evocations of comics past and bold reworkings of current graphic formats into a dystopian mystery story.
It transcended its origins in what was previously considered a lowbrow form of fiction. Watchmen' s status as a seminal book in the comic book field was recently boosted when acclaimed comic book author Stan Lee, responsible for creating the majority of Marvel Comics' most successful characters, called it his " all-time favorite comic book outside of Marvel. Moore himself acknowledged that the plot closely resembles an Outer Limits episode called " The Architects of Fear ".
According to him, while he was around issue 10, he came across a guide to cult television that featured this episode and was surprised by its similarity to his already planned ending. A belated nod to " The Architects of Fear " is made near the end of Watchmen. He also accepted responsibility for the proliferation of "dark" comic stories, featuring classic characters, that followed Watchmen. In his review of the Absolute edition of the collection, Dave Itzkoff of The New York Times wrote that the dark legacy of Watchmen , " one that Moore almost certainly never intended, whose DNA is encoded in the increasingly black inks and bleak storylines that have become the essential elements of the contemporary superhero comic book, " is " a domain he has largely ceded to writers and artists who share his fascination with brutality but not his interest in its consequences, his eagerness to tear down old boundaries but not his drive to find new ones.
Originally published as twelve individual issues, Watchmen was later reprinted as a graphic novel ISBN As it was released, it is often referred to as a maxi-series, as it contains a set of directly related issues that take place over a long publication period. A special hardcover edition was produced by Graphitti Designs in , containing 48 pages of bonus material, including the original proposal and concept art. The book featured a slipcase as well as restored and recolored art by John Higgins at Wildstorm FX, under the direction of Dave Gibbons.
The new book also included the bonus material from the Graphitti edition, marking the first time this material has been widely available. Recently, the first issue was released on iTunes, though instead of a static image contained inside a panel, it is a fully animated episode with voiceovers.
DC announced in August that, in response to demand resulting from the Watchmen film's teaser trailer, the company has printed more than one million copies of the trade collection during — an unprecedented number for a trade paperback collection. Two days before Watchmen came out in theaters, a DVD of the comic was released. It is broken up into 12 episodes and runs for minutes. In the final passages, Ozymandias decimates New York with an attack designed to look like an alien-squid invasion—his aim is to avert nuclear war by unifying the United States and the U.
Crazily, the plan succeeds. Robert Redford is the President; Vietnam is the fifty-first state. There are new characters, several of whom work as cops, under bizarre conditions: after a wave of anti-police violence, Tulsa cops are required to adopt secret identities, wear masks, and conceal their jobs even from their family members. Initially, Lindelof seems to be modernizing the story in the earnest way that many TV shows do: by making the cast diverse.
Angela Abar Regina King , a.