Fortunately, great investors of the past and present can provide us with guidance. These investment quotes date back to Benjamin Franklin, and some are from modern experts like Dave Ramsey and Warren Buffett. The 25 quotes here were selected for their enduring value. Although markets may change, this investing advice is timeless. When it comes to investing, nothing will pay off more than educating yourself. Do the necessary research and analysis before making any investment decisions.
While to year lows are not common, they do happen. During these times, don't be shy about going against the trend and investing; you could make a fortune by making a bold move or lose your shirt. Remember the first quote in this article and invest in an industry you've researched thoroughly. Then, be prepared to see your investment sink lower before it turns around and starts to pay off.
Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful. Be prepared to invest in a down market and to "get out" in a soaring market, as per the philosophy of Warren Buffett. It's far too easy for investors to lose perspective. Whenever something big goes wrong, a lot of people panic and sell their investments. Looking at history, the markets recovered from the financial crisis, the dotcom crash, and even the Great Depression, so they'll probably get through whatever comes next as well.
Too many investors become obsessed with being right, even when the gains are small. Winning big and cutting your losses when you're wrong are more important than being right. Most people dismiss many of the best and most profitable investment ideas simply because they probably won't work.
These investors never stop to consider how much they could make if unlikely outcomes actually occur. Jeff Bezos took those bets and became the richest person in the world. Just buy the haystack! If it seems too hard to find the next Amazon, John Bogle came up with the only sure way to get in on the action.
By buying an index fund , investors can put a little bit of money into every stock. That way, they never miss out on the stock market's biggest winners. Investors often make things too hard for themselves. The value stocks that Buffett prefers frequently outperform the market, making success easier. Supposedly sophisticated strategies, such as short selling , lose money in the long-run, so profiting is much more difficult. That is another testament to the fact that investing without an education and research will ultimately lead to regrettable investment decisions.
Research is much more than just listening to popular opinion. At times, you will have to step out of your comfort zone to realize significant gains. Know the boundaries of your comfort zone and practice stepping out of it in small doses. As much as you need to know the market, you need to know yourself too.
Can you handle staying in when everyone else is jumping ship? Or getting out during the biggest rally of the century? There's no room for pride in this kind of self-analysis. Perhaps you feel a little envious of a particular friend who always seems happy. Comparing yourself to someone else can motivate you to aim for similar goals, like a nice house, your dream car, or a loving partner.
Comparisons can become problematic when they distract you from what really matters to you. Instead of comparing yourself to others, look at the things you already have. Who or what brings you joy? What do you feel grateful for? What would you like more of?
Less of? Taking some time to reconsider the specific qualities you value most can help you refocus your attention on who you are and who you want to become. If you value community, for example, you might look for ways to share time or resources with your community. Once you identify your values, you can begin to explore ways to incorporate them into your life in meaningful ways.
Some values, such as bravery, optimism, or adventurousness, might come naturally to you. Others, including honesty, accountability, or leadership, may require a little more work. This work is worth it, though — research from suggests living according to your values could help improve satisfaction with life as well as mental health. If you struggle to give yourself the attention you deserve, a therapist can offer guidance with turning your focus inward and help you explore more strategies for self-care.
Crystal Raypole has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy. Her fields of interest include Asian languages and literature, Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health. Self-care is more than what some have commercialized it to be. But why are we still feeling like self-care is selfish?
It goes deeper than just feeling good. Both the world and myself. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad they have to get better.
Congratulations, you're alive. If that's not something to smile about, then I don't know what is. It just means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.
You must be persistent if you want to be able to sustain your business through the challenges of entrepreneurship and eventually reap the rewards of a successful business.
Entrepreneurship comes with a lot of ups and downs. Sometimes it feels as if you experience more downs than ups as you are in the early stages of business development.
This is when your mindset has to remain optimistic and tough if you are going to work through the hardships of building your business. If you are currently having a hard time in your business, you would benefit from reading some quotes about persistence. These quotes will help you realize that you are not the only one who has gone through difficulties as a business owner.
Others have been through what you are currently going through and probably much worse. But, they still built successful businesses despite their challenges because they remained persistent. Continue reading to find out how persistence will help you succeed as a business owner. You will have to keep going no matter the obstacles you deal with, and you will need to possess the energy that keeps you going. Building a business is draining. You will be emotional, mentally, and physically stressed as you continue to face new challenges that test your patience.
It may be tempting to give up but you will need to keep pushing forward if you do not want your time and money invested to go to waste. This is when you need to dig deep within yourself to remember why you started your business in the first place. You did it to earn more money, live a more abundant life, and to be your own boss. You cannot achieve any of these things if you choose to give up now.
The successful entrepreneurs you look up to all faced overwhelming challenges, but they continued moving forward because their long-term success meant more to them than short-term inconveniences. Related Article: 10 tips to increase your business profits. Hard work beats talent every single time. It does not matter what your capabilities are, what matters is how you perform. What could have been being nothing but an excuse? The results you produce are what you are graded upon.
You must possess the determination to continue moving forward when you are under constant pressure. This is what makes a minority of people successful and the majority of people mediocre. Successful people know how to rise to the occasion when their best performance is needed the most. You have to be just like Michael Jordan. Whenever the game was on the line was exactly when he put on his best performances because he possessed a strong will to win.
You must do the same when it comes to your business by remaining persistent and focused on accomplishing your goals.