Finally from a scientific point of view such color changes are not far fetched: For example a paleness might come from to the lack of iron or folic acid, if the liver is sick one would turn to a yellow color happened to me when I had hepatitis , the lack of the vitamins B3-B12 could turn the skin color brownish. And actually the famine was a reason for not consuming meat products which are rich on this vitamins.
In my first answer I asked for some links to the hadith's in question. As it is, I've discovered them myself. According to Hadith scholars the narrations referring to Ibn Khattab complexion have described him from pale, to pale with reddishness, brown and wheat coloured to dark brown.
This wide difference suggests that the narrators had widely differing terms for colours rather than his complexion being so varied It's well known that in pre-industrial societies there were wide variations of terms in a language since there was no tv or newspapers that helped form a language standard and language was highly localised. Then one speaks of a dialect continuum of a language. In fact, it was research into the Qu'ran and its language that helped bring about a standard form of Arabic - Classical Arabic.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Was Umar Ibn Al Khattab dark or light skinned? He used to the help his family to arbitrate conflicts between different tribes. And just because of him his father succeeded as an arbitrator. The story of Umar's conversion is well known to all Muslims of course.
When 1st Islam emerged Umar was strongly opposed to it, he even threatened to kill the Messenger of Allah p. One day Umar went angrily swinging his sword to find Muhammad p.
Nuaim felt that his beloved prophet was in danger, so he tried to cool Umar down and to divert him from his goal, by telling him that his own sister and her husband had became Muslims. Umar then returned to them and found them reading a part of the Quran. Umar hit his sister causing her to bleed because she tried to protect her husband from him. He then regretted what he had done and felt guilty and asked them to see what they were reading.
After reading only few lines from Surah Ta Ha, He became speechless, mesmerized and fascinated by its beauty. Umar then immediately went to the Messenger Muhammad p. Umar's path to the truth began with a vehement hatred of Muhammad and the religion of Islam, but that hatred changed completely. Abdullah bin Awf R. All of these occurred before sunrise. He requested for a drink of milk. When he drank it, the whiteness of the milk could be seen oozing out from his wounds and it was clear for them that he would die.
Then, his soul was taken. He was sixty-three years old and his era extended for ten years. As per Umar's R.
Sayings of Umar R. Think positively of your brother until you are certain that he is not like that. Do not swear a great deal lest Allah humiliate you. There is no better reward for one who disobeys Allah concerning you that your obeying Allah concerning him. You should seek sincere friends and maintain good relations with them, for they are a pleasure at times of ease and a support at times of hardship. Whenever Umar R. Then he would say when the standard of war is hoisted:. Adhere to truth and patience.
Fight in the cause of Allah against those who disbelieve in Allah and do not disobey, for Allah does not like the disobedient. Do not be coward at the time of meeting the enemy and do not mutilate when you have the upper hand and do not be immoderate when you conquer.
Do not kill women, the aging, and the children. Avoid killing them when two enemies meet and in the heat of attack in front of your enemy. That is indeed the great success. Peace be upon Umar ibn Al-Khattab R. Managed by Kamal Ahmad. Translated by Manal Qutub. Promote your business in Germany. If you continue using our website, then you have agreed to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Search for a City or Zip to set your location.
Disclaimer All information on IslamicFinder. His Physical Appearance: With regard to his physical characteristics, he was white with a reddish complexion. His early Life in the Pre-Islamic Society: Umar spent half of his life in the pre-Islamic society Jahiliyah , and grew up like his peers of Quraish, except that he has an advantage over them in that he was one of those who had learned to read, of whom there were very few.
Therefore, when he entered Islam, he understood its beauty and true nature, and he recognized the great difference between guidance and misguidance, disbelief and faith, truth and falsehood, and he spoke his famous words: " The bonds of Islam will be undone one by one when there will be a generation brought up in Islam who do not know what ignorance is.
I said: Yes, for you have persecuted us and oppressed us, and by Allah we are going out in the land of Allah until Allah grants us a way out. And I saw kindness that I had never seen before. Tirmidhi: Umar became Muslim in AD, one year after the Migration to Abyssinia, when he was twenty-seven years old. When he became Muslim, he fought them until they sent us free.
Then we prayed and circumambulated the Kaaba. We could not pray or circumambulate the House until Umar became Muslim. When he became Muslim, he fought the unbelievers until they left us alone and let us pray. When he decided to migrate, he put on his sword, put his bow over his shoulder, picked up his arrows and carried his stick. He went out to the Kaaba, where a number of Quraish were gathered in its courtyard and circumambulated the House seven times, at a leisurely pace.
He was a man of strong convictions, a good friend, and a bad enemy. Like the rugged hills around him, he was harsh and stern, violent in temper, but very good of heart. He was always prepared to stand up against the oppressor and espouse the cause of the weak. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.