We all know it is necessary to keep the listeners engaged in what we are saying. The glitch is that we think the Scriptures will not do so and therefore we have to drum up something more interesting to hold their attention. The right staging, songs, illustrations, and all the rest can be parts of a great worship service… as long as it is pointed to worshiping God. Pulpiteering: The preacher becomes the point of the sermon.
It happens when humility gets replaced by your ego. It is not done on purpose I hope. This boisterous, blustery preaching exalts the man and loses the gospel message. The preacher must present himself as a real person with real struggles. Any hint of a plasticized life will ring hollow. But a little authenticity goes a long way. You must know your congregation and understand how much to share before it all becomes awkward for the listener. We must not allow our transparency to become the only thing people remember when they leave the service.
Find Studies for Get the Latest Study from Kelly Minter. Join Priscilla Shirer for a Virtual Event. Order Curriculum, Literature, and Church Supplies. Women Men Kids Teens Babies. Authors Featured Studies. Search by keyword, title, author, ISBN, etc. Four Kinds of Expository Preaching. Verse-by-verse preaching Verse-by-verse preaching is the systematic reading and explanation of a biblical text.
Thematic expository or doctrinal preaching Thematic preaching is an excellent form for preaching Bible doctrine. Narrative expository preaching Narrative preaching presents the biblical text in the form of story and follows that story to completion.
Topical expository preaching Of the four forms of exposition, I recommend this form the least. He has planted, revitalized, and pastored churches, trained pastors and church planters on six continents, holds two masters degrees and two doctorates, and has written dozens of articles and books. Previously, he served as executive director of LifeWay Research. Related Content. Your email has been sent. We're sorry, an error occurred.
Please see below for details. The views of the blogger do not necessarily reflect those of Christianity Today. Join in the conversation about this post on Facebook. Bible Coronavirus Prayer. Start Here NewSmallChurch. Innovative Ministry August 29, Read as Single Page Page 1 of 3.
Image: Alexander Michl Unsplash. Related Topics: Discipleship ; Pastors ; Preaching. Posted: August 29, at AM. Recent Posts. Posted by Lazo. For a few reasons….
Now, I am not telling you to go pester your pastor on every point of difference you have with their preaching. The congregation I belong to can certainly testify that I have not preached infallibly behind the pulpit, though I aim for nothing less! Mistakes will be made in the pulpit, because no pastor has perfect theology, and we are all learning together. I am also not advocating that you hound every church in the city whose theology you disagree with. What is beneficial is identify biblical preaching, because then you can immerse yourself in the life of that church, obeying the Word of God as it is preached rightly.
By this, I mean, how does the Bible itself present preaching done correctly? We can find some examples throughout the Bible…. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, a pattern emerges: explanation, teaching, and preaching which is proclamation.
Biblical preaching is expository preaching. So according to the New Testament epistles letters written to early churches , a church must include expository preaching as part of its worship gathering. There are a lot of types of preaching! Some preachers preach for 15 minutes, others for an hour; some preach on a single verse, and others preach whole chapters or even books; in between these are so many different styles of preaching: storytelling, verse-by-verse, series, etc.
How do you know which one is good? Notice that this has nothing to do with faithful preaching, but preaching preference. The requirement of faithful preaching is expository not stylistic.
In fact, different styles of preaching are useful, as well as expository, that is, they can explain the Bible using different methods of communication.