How does hanging yourself work

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Med Sci Law ; 36 : 80 — Deaths from hanging in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. Med Sci Law ; 34 : — James R, Silcocks P. Suicidal hanging in Cardiff—a year retrospective study. Forensic Sci Int ; 56 : — Guarner J, Hanzlick R. Suicide by hanging. A review of 56 cases. Am J Forensic Med Pathol ; 8 : 23 — Bowen DA. Hanging—a review. Forensic Sci Int ; 20 : — Sen Gupta BK. Studies on cases of death due to hanging. J Indian Med Assoc ; 45 : — Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.

It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Sign In. Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Article Contents Abstract. The epidemiology and prevention of suicide by hanging: a systematic review. David Gunnell , David Gunnell. E-mail: D. Gunnell Bristol. Oxford Academic. Google Scholar. Olive Bennewith.

Keith Hawton. Sue Simkin. Nav Kapur. Select Format Select format. Permissions Icon Permissions. Abstract Background Hanging is one of the most commonly used methods for suicide worldwide. Suicide , systematic review , hanging , suicide prevention. Figure 1. Open in new tab Download slide. Figure 2. Table 1 Ligature points used in psychiatric inpatient ward suicides by hanging in England and Wales during the 2 years from October to September Ligature point.

Hook or handle 19 Open in new tab. Table 2 Ligatures used in psychiatric inpatient ward suicides by hanging in England and Wales during the 2 years from October to September Belt, dressing gown cord 35 Table 3 Treatment of non-judicial hanging and other strangulations modified from: Iserson Pre-hospital treatment:. Beware of potential laryngeal injury look for laryngeal crepitus and be prepared to undertake surgical airway if required.

Table 4 Summary of approaches to preventing suicide by hanging in prisons and hospitals. Appendix 1 Studies of suicide by hanging—general population samples. Setting and sample size. Ligature point, ligature, and degree of suspension. Appendix 2. Acta Psychiatr Scand. Br J Psychiatry. Aust NZ J Psychiatry. Health Stat Q. Ann Med Psychol. Ann Emerg Med. J Forensic Sci.

J Clin Forensic Med. Am J Forensic Med Pathol. Med Sci Law. Forensic Sci Int. Med Care. Psychol Rep. Am J Psychiatry. Med J Aust. Suicide Life Threat Behav. Psychiatr Q. Geneva: World Health Organisation, Am J Public Health. Emerg Med.

Can J Anaesth. J Emerg Med. J Accid Emerg Med. New York: Springer-Verlag, Psychol Med. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. Am J Forensic Med. J Indian Med Assoc. Issue Section:. Download all slides. View Metrics.

Email alerts Article activity alert. The probability of death by hanging is associated with male sex, older age, living in rural areas, and low educational level. Most of these cases occur at home; only one in 10 occur in institutions such as hospitals and prisons. The epidemiology and prevention of suicide by hanging: a systematic review. Int J Epidemiol.

Furthermore, people who attempted suicide by hanging have higher chances of future completed suicide when compared with those who attempt other methods. Knowledge of the methods used for suicide is important for implementing suicide prevention strategies. From a public health standpoint, developing universal prevention strategies for this method is particularly challenging due to the fact it is most commonly carried out in the home, the ready availability of the materials used, and widespread perceptions about the method.

Feasible strategies for the prevention of suicide by hanging must involve greater vigilance in institutional settings and adequate management of patients with previous attempts and patients with mental disorders.

The scarcity of effective preventive measures to reduce escalation of this form of suicide demands a comprehensive discussion among professionals, families, and health managers who are at the frontline of care of suicidal people. Future research should focus on the details of deeply rooted perceptions about the meaning of death by hanging in different cultures and the origins of this knowledge as used by suicidal individuals, in order to reduce their willingness to plan suicide by this method.

Abrir menu Brasil. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. Abrir menu. Figure 1 Proportion of methods of suicide in Brazil Reference 1 Bertolote JM.

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