Bind mounts provide a view of a directory tree at a different location. They expose the same files, possibly with different mount options and with bindfs different ownership and permissions.
Filesystems that present an altered view of a directory tree are called overlay filesystems or stackable filesystems. There are many other overlay filesystems that perform more advanced transformations.
Here are a few common ones. If your desired use case is not covered here, check the repository of FUSE filesystems. Similar to bindfs -r , just a little more lightweight. Union mounts — present multiple filesystems called branches under a single directory: if tree1 contains foo and tree2 contains bar then their union view contains both foo and bar.
New files are written to a specific branch, or to a branch chosen according to more complex rules. There are several implementations of this concept, including:. Bind mounts can be thought of as a sort of symbolic link at the filesystem level. Using mount --bind , it is possible to create a second mount point for an existing filesystem, making that filesystem visible at a different spot in the namespace.
Bind mounts are thus useful for creating specific views of the filesystem namespace; one can, for example, create a bind mount which makes a piece of a filesystem visible within an environment which is otherwise closed off with chroot. Simple, when you use bind mount, a file or directory on the host machine is mounted into a container so whatever changes make inside the file directory on the host machine will automatically be available inside the container on the directory.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What is a bind mount? Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 6 months ago. Active 9 months ago. Viewed k times. How do I make one? What is it good for?
Improve this question. Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' k gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. How do I create a bind mount? Linux bind mount Under Linux, bind mounts are available as a kernel feature. Use cases Read-only view It can be useful to create a read-only view of a filesystem, either for security reasons or just as a layer of safety to ensure that you won't accidentally modify it.
Mounting in a jail or container A chroot jail or container runs a process in a subtree of the system's directory tree. Running a different distribution Another use of chroots is to install a different distribution in a directory and run programs from it, even when they require files at hard-coded paths that are not present or have different content on the base system.
Accessing files hidden behind a mount point When you mount a filesystem on a directory, this hides what is behind the directory.
Side effects of bind mounts Recursive directory traversals If you use bind mounts, you need to take care of applications that traverse the filesystem tree recursively, such as backups and indexing e. Going beyond bind mounts Bind mounts provide a view of a directory tree at a different location. There are several implementations of this concept, including: aufs — Linux kernel implementation, but rejected upstream many times funionfs — FUSE implementation mhddfs — FUSE, write files to a branch based on free space overlay — Linux kernel implementation, merged upstream in Linux v3.
There are also many FUSE filesystems that expose specific archives as directories. Improve this answer. How is it different from the case where source and target of mounting are different? The kernel doesn't tell me it's bind mount or not.
And a process can easily break chroot, isolation has to be done by mount namespace. Gilles, thank you for an amazingly detailed answer. Which of them contained data, and which was the empty dir, the mount point?
This immediately makes it clear which arg is the bound source and which is a mount point. Up to you, of course. The domain can be any domain in the current forest. The ADEdit host computer does not have to be joined to a domain to bind to and work with a domain. A binding command can be as simple as:.
Options can narrow down the choice of domain controllers. The -write option, for example, specifies that you want ADEdit to choose a writable domain controller. It also defines how other components can integrate within the JBI framework. Users can update properties for the component and incorporate LDAP components with others in deployable service assembly. This component implements all the required interfaces available in the JBI 1.
Users can perform numerous tasks when connected to an external LDAP system. These tasks include adding an entry, adding an attribute, and adding a value. Similarly, users have the privileges to modify, delete and search for a value, and attribute entry.
Anonymous Connections are those that are not categorized as authenticated, trusted, suspect, or blocked. Use the AddEntry node to add entries to a directory. There are different options available when adding an entry. Specify the name of the entry to add RDN relative to the initial context , an entry with its attributes and values for each attribute.
Use the Replace Value to replace all the existing values of any attribute with any new value for an entry. This feature helps you to search for an attribute among many LDAP servers. This means after the search fails to locate the search string on one server, it automatically searches over the referred server. A credential file contains the appropriate referral credentials. Use the RCF command line utility to generate the credential file.
Use this attribute to generate a referral exception, which the client can catch and initiate any action. The Search corresponds to performing searches for an entry or multiple entries of the LDAP directory. Use the Search filter to specify the context or the first entry for the search, the scope of the search, or any other search criteria and the boundaries to which the search is limited.
Use Sort to request for the search values to be sorted as per the specified attributes. Set the Sort Attributes field with a pipe separated character string consisting of attributes to use sort control. Example : Set SortAttributes with the string cn mail to sort entries by cn and later by mail.. The LDAP server stores user names and passwords. Hence all transactions have to be secure. Once the connection is established all future communication between the two servers is encrypted.
The Credential File Management feature allows users the credentials needed when authenticating log-ins other than anonymous log-in. System requirements come in two basic forms: functional and nonfunctional. Functional requirements define what a system does. These include event driven capabilities which provide specific observable functions to users of the system.
Nonfunctional requirements on the other hand, use pervasive nonfunctional qualities like reliability, availability, and security, to define a system functionality. This feature is used when the application is deployed and configuration of the WSDL takes place. This can be done through Application Configuration without redeploying the application.
Administrators can use the log to monitor system state, monitor for errors, and troubleshoot errors.