Effective people stay on task but also make time to experience new things, try new methods and reap the rewards from doing so. Trying to accomplish too many goals at the same time will make them all a bit half-assed. Another thing that highly effective and productive people understand is how to ask for help, and also know that they need it.
Want to be highly effective? Surround yourself with people who trust and motivate and inspire you, and in turn are inspired by you. To increase productivity in life you need to understand and know the difference between productivity and time management. Instead, focus on what you can actually do and what actions you can take to keep moving forward. Activity management is the practice of keeping a record of everything you do in a typical day and the order in which you do those things.
Applying such a system to your personal life is also a great way to find time for the things you love to do away from work such as working out, cooking or socialising. Slow down. Instead, the way to achieve better and more focused work is to simply slow down. Every single day, write down somewhere where you can see your top priorities in life. Take one internet free day a week, where you totally disconnect from the digital world and spend time with the people that matter most.
Go outdoors, read a good book, watch a good movie — whatever you like just get offline!. Not to mention having more quality time with the people in your life is always a bonus. Many things determine our overall productivity. These can range from tools and apps to life hacks and general mindset.
Here are 5 additional, and maybe lesser known tips that can help you achieve optimal productivity;. Distractions are useless and reduce our productivity.
If you want to get things done, you need to get just on with it and do it. Jump straight into it and remove anything that comes between you and the task at hand.
Similarly to all those digital devices we use all day long, you too have a memory. Want to be productive? Be positive. Yes, by that we mean smile, look on the bright side of life and always see the glass as half full.
No, not on your computer, on life. Take some time alone to reset and recharge yourself. Meditate, listen to music or go for a walk. So, at the end of every week review your lists and daily schedules to see how you spend your time, and while doing it to optimize your productivity ask yourself the following questions;.
This is a powerful tactic for determining whether you are really managing and spending your time wisely and productively. These tools help to boost our productivity as while we juggle with lots of tasks and responsibilities, it becomes difficult to stay on task.
So, thankfully, there are apps and services that can help us. Productivity tools are tailored to different lifestyles, and different interests. We use cookies for various purposes including analytics, personalized content and ads. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to our use of cookies as described in our Privacy Policy.
Block distracting apps and sites. You can help to avoid issues and maintain productivity by taking clear steps to plan and execute the goal of your team meeting. For more ideas on how to have more productive before and during meetings, check out this infographic from our friends at Taskworld. Working remotely can help you increase your productivity by getting more done in less time. While the office is an environment that can foster collective energy and resources, it can also hinder our productivity.
People often interrupt others who are in the middle of work because they think their issue or question is urgent. This study by the Harvard Business Review found that employees who worked from home were more productive AND less likely to quit their jobs. Having less clutter will help you think more clearly and waste less time searching for that misplaced document.
Toss out the trinkets and old papers sitting around your desk to see if it helps you become less distracted and more productive. This online resource helps you take, organize, search, and share your notes. With all the information you need readily available and easy to find, you can enjoy the kind of uninterrupted work you need to cross off your entire to-do list.
Evernote keeps you connected to your note-workflow at all times on both your computer and mobile device. You are even able to update your notes offline and Evernote will immediately sync to the cloud once it is able to hop back online again. Roger swears by this method and claims that when he does this, his life goes well. Use this time each week to reconnect with your goals, assess what has been working and what has not, and schedule your calendar for the upcoming week.
For more on the 2-Hour Solution, you can read this short book summary. How can waking up at 6am or earlier make you more productive at work? It gives you the time you need to start your day right. You can read each morning, eat a healthy breakfast , or exercise before hitting your stride to start the day. I started doing this about a year ago and it has increased my productivity dramatically.
I believe the ways in which you wake up in the morning can make a huge impact on your daily approach to life. I typically find that I hit my most productive groove about 2 hrs after waking up. So now I get to read something inspiring or surf at dawn before most people even start their day. Do you notice that your team is having trouble staying focused in meetings? Stand up! At SnackNation our team members swear by their standing desks and the documented impact they have on productivity.
And like most things out there, too much standing can be a bad thing. Throughout your day, people will inevitably disrupt you to get your help or input on something.
Learn to say no more often to guard your time for your highest leverage activities. Whichever activity you are dreading the most is probably the one you need to complete first thing in the morning. Too many people fall victim to the trap of doing several things at once so it bears repeating here to help you increase your productivity in the workplace.
Multitasking lowers IQ and reduces the performance with which you can complete any task. So would you rather do 3 things with mediocre results or 1 task with excellent results? Things like data-entry, document formatting or running errands are all going to eat away at the precious time you have during your day to get stuff done. Luckily there are some great online services that connect you with cheap labor to get tedious tasks done so you can spend your time focusing on the most important projects.
Working in a high collaboration environment can mean that people come up to you with questions all throughout the day, throwing you off of your rhythm. Wearing headphones is a simple trick that can ward off questions that are either too menial or too complex to be answered in a face-to-face interaction. Headphones on their own are a deterrent and help filter your communications in real life.
This is another piece of gold from Train Your Brain for Success. However long you think it will take you to complete a project or task, give yourself less time to complete it. Books on business, psychology, behavioral economics and personal development are the subjects that I personally find to boost my creativity and inspiration for my day. We all have those days that fly by as we jump from meeting to meeting. Studies show that music without lyrics works best for repetitive tasks.
Outside of the variable effects, music can also have an impact on shutting on the sounds and distractions of a noisy office and create lasting workplace productivity. I personally enjoy the calming sounds I find on Noisli. When you incorporate rewards into your productivity system it helps train your brain to focus on goal-oriented tasks by tapping into your emotions.
The reward you give yourself after completing something on your to-do list makes you feel good. So, is the lighting full spectrum? Plants are another well-researched way to improve air quality and mood — they kill two birds with one stone. With only so many hours in a day we must learn to work more effectively and efficiently if we want to succeed.
Now take some of these tips and implement them in your working life. Robbins, also a motivational speaker, says this practice overrides bad habits and puts you in greater control of your actions. By using this Five Second Rule, you empower yourself to complete the task at hand. Routine is a condition of survival. While routine and repetition may seem boring, doing the same things at the same times each day empowers you to avoid decision fatigue , develop efficient habits, and complete tasks with speed and precision.
If you experience a slump in your usual productivity, a lack of motivation might be the culprit. Rekindle your drive by reflecting on why you truly do your work. Anderson explains :. The why behind your work might not be obvious, but no matter what you do, keep digging until you find the motivation that gives you goosebumps.
Shrink the change. McGonigal says willpower is a muscle you can tone, and toning your willpower helps you focus your attention and be more productive in pursuing what you truly need or want to do. She says that many people use guilt and shame to compel themselves to be more productive and complete tasks they may not really want to do.
Unfortunately, this habit drains your willpower and your productivity. McGonigal says the things we feel guilty about, procrastination for example, are the ones we eventually revert to for comfort. Forgiveness and compassion for yourself and your shortcomings. ProofHub is a powerful work management and online collaboration software that keeps your teams, clients, and project communication in one place.
It makes it easy to create plans, collaborate with teams, keep things organized and deliver projects on time. It is equipped with advanced features such as workflows and Kanban boards, Gantt charts, and reports which are helping teams to stay organized and productive. In addition to this, you can also track time with ProofHub and manage work on the go with its mobile app Android and iOS.
Ditch the paper timesheets, get more time back in your week, and increase your productivity with this handy tool. What other tips do you have to increase productivity at work?
Free bonus: Download this entire list as a PDF. Easily save it on your computer for quick reference or print it and keep at your desk. SnackNation is a healthy office snack delivery service that makes healthy snacking fun, life more productive, and workplaces awesome.
We provide a monthly, curated selection of healthy snacks from the hottest, most innovative natural food brands in the industry, giving our members a hassle-free experience and delivering joy to their offices. However, what I liked the most is the tip If you asked me what are the most common mistake people make when it comes to productivity, focusing on being busy would be in the top of my list.
Unfortunately, some people misunderstood what personal productivity is all about. They focus on the tasks that bring more value to their work and get them closer to their goals.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment here. Thanks for adding these extra project management tools! Reading morning surely helps me a lot.
It helps me remember better. The other one which is found useful is saying NO, priorities are a big part of our life and saying NO brings in lot of change. Sure thing Frank. Hi Emil, Awesome tips to work more effectively and smart in the workplace. Lot of article i have reed but this one is best of all about improving productivity skill at workplace. Thank you Sasidar, very nice of you to say. I hope you were able to successfully implement some of these ideas! This is a great post.
Every morning I will schedule my time for my most important work that will give me the most result toward my goals. I time-block the task and I find this very effective and productive. Wow so many great tips here!! Love the part about putting aside gadgets.
I keep my phone and computer on do not disturb during the day, because I get really distracted by them. Glad I stumbled upon this article.
Great read! I particularly like your tip to create a list of affirmations about yourself and read them each morning. Awesome list. Would like to add ProofHub in this list. ProofHub brings a blend of amazing productivity features that teams can use to run their day, their projects and their work-life. Tasks, Online discussions, Group chat, Reports, Gantt Charts, Proofing tool, Calendar, Timer, Timesheets, Quickies and what not; everything you need to bring teams together, collaborate and get projects delivered on time is available within this single tool.
Encourage, motivate and reward. Tell employees they are doing a good job and give constructive criticism. Most importantly, offer personal incentives for doing the job well — could they get a free holiday or a free takeout coffee for performing above and beyond their roles? You should clearly indicate success of one employee to other staff to cultivate a sense of fulfilment to motivate others.
A stressful workplace will not yield results. Workers that constantly operate under highly stressful conditions are found to be less productive and have higher levels of disengagement and absenteeism … They need to be happy!
Showing employees how much the company appreciates, respects and values them on a personal level is gratifying — and often overlooked.
This is just as important when you are starting a new business or trying to make an existing business more successful. If you want your staff to work to the best of their ability, try out a few of these tips and enjoy the benefits. You can try BusinessTown for free. Select personalised ads. Apply market research to generate audience insights. Measure content performance. Develop and improve products. List of Partners vendors.
Small Business Management. By Susan Ward. She has run an IT consulting firm and designed and presented courses on how to promote small businesses. Learn about our editorial policies. Stop Multitasking. Delegate Properly. Eliminate Distractions. Plan Phone Calls. Break up Work Periods With Exercise. Be Optimistic. Get Enough Sleep. One Last Tip. Your Privacy Rights. At any time, you can update your settings through the "EU Privacy" link at the bottom of any page.
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