Electrolyte-enhanced waters, particularly sports drinks , may benefit athletes by helping replenish water, electrolytes and energy lost during exercise. During physical activity, you need additional fluids to replace the water lost in sweat. Sweat also contains electrolytes, including a significant amount of sodium, as well as small amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium. On average, you lose around 1 gram of sodium with every liter of sweat 5. Sports drinks are recommended over plain water to replace fluid and electrolytes if you tend to sweat a lot, exercise longer than one hour or in hot environments 5 , 6 , 7.
You should note that sports drinks are designed for athletes, not sedentary individuals. Along with electrolytes, they contain calories from added sugar.
In fact, a ounce ml bottle of Gatorade packs a whopping 30 grams of sugar 4. Sports drinks are designed for athletes and contain electrolytes along with carbs to replenish the nutrients lost through sweating. In the short term, vomiting and diarrhea are usually not serious conditions. However, severe or persistent symptoms can quickly lead to dehydration if fluids and electrolytes are not replaced.
Infants and children are especially vulnerable to dehydration from severe vomiting and diarrhea. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using an oral rehydration solution at the first signs of illness to prevent dehydration 8.
Oral rehydration solutions contain water, carbs and electrolytes in specific proportions that are easy to digest. A popular example is Pedialyte. Sports drinks are similar but contain higher amounts of sugar. Sports drinks may be tolerated by older children if diluted to 1 part water, 1 part sports drink. Adults typically tolerate both oral rehydration solutions and sports drinks without issues 8 , 9.
Importantly, electrolyte beverages may not be sufficient for treating severe dehydration. Illnesses, such as vomiting and diarrhea, can cause you to lose fluid and electrolytes rapidly. Oral rehydration solutions are recommended for replenishment.
Most of us have felt the effects of being dehydrated at one point or another — dry lips and tongue, headache, weakness, dizziness, nausea, cramps. How many electrolytes you lose during exercise depends on weight, fitness level, intensity, duration of activity, humidity and how much you sweat.
Electrolyte drinks come in a variety of forms — from tablets that you drop into water, to powders that you mix up, to liquid that comes in a regular water bottle.
Not all electrolyte drinks are created equal though, so Patton recommends reading the label first. A typical 8 ounce electrolyte drink has approximately 14 grams sugar, milligrams sodium and 30 milligrams potassium. There are even specialty electrolyte drinks for endurance and ultra-endurance athletes with greater potassium and sodium, plus additional minerals like magnesium and calcium. She also recommends reading the labels on immunity and vitamin drinks. Here are some options:.
It is worth knowing how much of each electrolyte is in a type of food or drink. The Department of Agriculture has a searchable database of nutritional contents. Supplements are also an option for managing low levels of an electrolyte. For example, older adults often do not consume enough potassium, and treatments with corticosteroids or diuretic medications can also reduce these levels.
In this case, potassium tablets can boost the concentration in the blood. Some sports drinks, gels, and candies can restore levels of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium during and after exercise. They can also help the body retain water.
However, these products sometimes contain high electrolyte contents, and consuming too much can lead to an excess. Some also contain high levels of sugar.
It is important to carefully follow any treatment or supplementation plan that a health professional recommends. Restoring the balance of electrolytes by making dietary changes should lead to an improvement in symptoms. If it does not, a doctor may order further tests to identify any underlying health conditions that may be causing the imbalance. Recommended intakes of some of the most common electrolytes are as follows:.
An imbalance can affect the way the body works and lead to a range of symptoms. For example, if a person feels faint after a workout, an electrolyte imbalance could be one reason. Consuming electrolytes during or after intense exercise and other periods of profuse sweating can help preserve the balance.
Be sure to stay hydrated at all times. Anyone with concerns should contact a healthcare professional. Antioxidants are mostly found in plant foods. They are natural molecules that help neutralize harmful free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are…. We look at hyperchloremia, where a high level of chloride in the blood causes an electrolyte imbalance. Included is detail on the relation to…. Electrolyte levels have a direct impact on the health of your ticker.
For starters, the combination of too little potassium and too much sodium is associated with high blood pressure. In general, most people consume too much sodium in their diet. Other research shows that increasing potassium and decreasing sodium is essential to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. One study found that people who consumed about 4,mg of potassium each day had a 49 percent lower risk of death from heart disease compared to those who consumed roughly 1, mg per day Magnesium and calcium also help support proper blood pressure.
Plus, magnesium reduces inflammation, prevents arteries from becoming clogged, and normalizes irregular heartbeats.
The benefits of electrolytes may even extend to your muscles and bones. Most people eat too many acidifying foods like dairy, meat, and processed cereal grains that increase acidity in the body. Acidosis can lead to a loss in bone mineral density and muscle wasting. One recent study found that people who get a high daily potassium intake maintain an average of 3.
Electrolytes keep the digestive system chugging along. Their rhythmic contractions are important for nutrient absorption and waste elimination. Potassium allows the muscles in the intestines to contract. However, low potassium levels can inhibit healthy digestion. Kidney stones are clumps of solid material that collect in the urine.
Because of the way that potassium and calcium interact, research shows that taking potassium citrate can help lower calcium levels in the urine Ultimately, this can help prevent and treat kidney stones. A four-year study involving 45, men found that people who consumed the most daily potassium had a 51 percent lower risk of kidney stones When headaches are caused by dehydration, electrolytes can help.
According to a recent study , roughly 10 percent of people experience dehydration headaches They can be caused by a loss of water, a loss of electrolytes, or both. Magnesium and sodium play an especially important role in fighting dehydration headaches. When they get out of balance, it can lead to issues like headaches and fatigue.
Most people have too much sodium and not enough magnesium in their diet. Magnesium deficiency can trigger headaches by:. The good news is that electrolyte supplements can be an easy and affordable way to prevent dehydration, but more on that in a sec Wondering how to refuel and keep your electrolyte levels in check? Following a healthy diet is a simple and effective way.
This means eating more of the foods that replenish electrolytes and avoiding the ones that can throw them out of balance. Here are some of the best electrolyte foods:.