In such cases, the F5 refresh button or any tool cannot remove the ghost file from your system. Therefore, it could be frustrating! However, in the article, we will discuss different methods to delete RAR files to resolve this issue.
Sometimes the reason you get the "Cannot find this item" error because your file name is too long for your system to handle. In this case, you can shorten the name first to delete the file. However, it is better to rename the file first and add a new extension at the end.
If the system allows you to rename it, you still have a problem and cannot remove it, reboot first and remove it again. When dealing with " how to delete RAR files," you can also use the Command Prompt as an administrator to resolve the issue. Follow the steps below:. Step 1: Open the "Command Prompt" and click on "Run as administrator. Step 3: A list of files in the folder will appear, and you have to find your files which you cannot delete. You will notice that the file has a specific name and not the actual name of the file.
You have successfully deleted the folder! This method usually works, but you can opt for another method if it doesn't work. Just Roll down! Unlocker is free, easy to use, and efficient software. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Home Windows. Get daily tips in your inbox Newsletter. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
I tried the regular old "delete" and a box comes up saying it is searching for the file but never finds it. I also tried dragging it and dropping it into the recycle bin but the same box "looking for file" comes up.
Not sure what to do at this point. I can't figure out why it can't find the file when I can see it clearly in my downloads folder. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Viewed 7k times. Improve this question. What did you already try? I tried searching on the net and on superuser :p I have no idea what software I could use.
If I can't find a solution I will have to write it myself in python, which is bad since I'm almost certainly going to ruin the archive and have to redownload it a bunch of times : — m fran. You can make a small archive and run your scripts on that with configurable size limits before you go full scale. Also, as far as I know, unrar allows for single-file extraction without the need to unpack the whole archive, so you can search the list use l switch to find the file s.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Echo "Too Lazy to deal with names the contains dots, only 2 are allowed. ReadLine 'WScript. FileSystemObject" obj.