Why is tribe infecting virus forbidden

Yup, that apple guy does get it wrong a lot. Also, even though TIV's effect can be re-used, you would only do so because: 1- TIV failed to clear the field first time.

Precisely because it isn't "Raigeki on legs", and it didn't complete the job the first time. That's pretty unlikely, unless the opponent is a complete noob. If you believe in thinking for yourself, and aren't afraid to admit it, put something unique and original in your signature. User Info: Smacake. BrainDamageEclipse posted Smacake posted Another example TIV is in your hand and you have Dandylion in your hand and all the tuners that can comeback from the graveyard at anytime at least once in the duel with out Monster Reborn's help.

Summon what you need good game. Snipe Hunter can do that, and is at 3. You're talking like TIV is the only way to discard stuff to the graveyard Snipe Hunter is in consistent more times than not and can only destroy one monster per activation while TIV can destroy more monsters per activation and is more consistent.

And by the way you and your friend are getting trolled. Do not judge others unless you judge yourself first. Afterwards pick up a 12 gauge shotgun and prepare for the zombie apocalypse. User Info: MrGible. I don't know about you but. Anyone who has played with TIV properly know this. Let's see my opponent had 3 warriors 2 spellcasters on the field.

No face downs. If you had 3 monsters and Megamorphs, and you topped into TIV, you must have made some pretty crappy plays before. If your opponent somehow made a comeback after losing 5 monsters, you still have BLS in your hand. TIV isn't as great as you think it is. I'm sure it its better to use with Moray of Greed than its own effect.

Bubble Tea and Skittles. User Info: Windstorm MrGible posted TIV IS as great as we think it is otherwise it wouldn't be banned right now. Using the argument that you can ditch lots of cards for BLS or other similar cards with Snipe Hunter or LV is a bogus argument as that's very situational and TIV could just as easily do those things as well.

However it was a -1 or break-even without Sinister Serpent. Airknight plays could be set up with the discard if you weren't going to summon it by tributing a floater. In some builds I use Exiled Force instead since it handles set. All in all, its a Rogue Doll with an almost-as-good Lightning Vortex attached to it. Todays banned card is Tribe-Infecting Virus, a level 4 water aqua monster with attack and defence.

And back in the day, this monster truly was something to be feared. Tribe-Infecting Virus had a very simple, yet devastating effect. By discarding a card and declaring a monster type, Tribe-Infecting Virus would destroy all face-up monsters of that type.

Tribe-Infecting Virus single-handedly turned games around. There wasn't very much effect negation, and priority still existed and because of it, this monster was a time-bomb waiting to go off.

Nowadays though, Tribe-Infecting Virus is not a threat at all. Priority doesn't exist in the same form that it did when it got banned, there's so much more effect negation, cards that can just destroy it before it can acTribe-Infecting Virusate or even WANT Tribe-Infecting Virus to resolve its effect and take advantage of it. A lot of cards on the banlist made sense at the time, but the game has evolved past those older choices being any meaningful threat anymore.

IF they brought back T-IV back, it would be only available at 1 per deck With the ability to be a lightning vortex in a monster card against certain decks, this card should stay right where it is. Cloak , 18 May UTC. I've realised that this is surprisingly effective at a time like this, where we've got some very prominent single-Type Decks. Blackwings , for example Returning TIV would pretty much wreak havoc on the game. There were many reasons this card became banned in all aspects it was way to cheap and could virtually kill any monster as soon as it got out,dealing with snipe hunter was bad enough but at least then you had a chance to survive and even then that card is limit one as for as im concerned let tribe infecting virus stay banned.

Dude TIV needs to be stay banned Fabled's would have a field day of this card went un-banned, oh, and BTW DuelistXr, don't necro bump, this thread was clearly dead for 6 months


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