Why is applied psychology important

Above average intelligence was related to good leadership, but the relationship was not linear. The ideal leader was 1. After that peak IQ, the relationship between leadership and IQ became negative. John Antonakis, one of the authors of the study, says this research can be applied in assessing managerial candidates to determine if they have the proper IQ fit to lead a team.

This study is just one example of how applied psychology focuses on improving real world issues. There are effectively two types of psychology. The first is typically called experimental psychology, and focuses mainly on research. The second, applied psychology, puts that research to work to identify and design solutions for individuals and organizations. Students and professionals in applied psychology must be able to identify, understand and develop practical solutions for clients.

This requires a strong background in theories and practices, historical trends and ethical behaviors. That might be in a clinical setting. It might be in a business setting.

It might be in a courtroom. So, I really like to get students to consider how to practically apply the field both in their studies and in the real world.

Health psychology is concerned with studying the mutual effect between the state of health and the psychological state. Cancer disease - physical condition - may be related to the occurrence of depression - psychological condition. We also know, for example, that recurrent stress - a psychological state - can lead to hypertension or heart disease - a physical condition - in order to evaluate, diagnose, interpret, treat and prevent diseases.

Health psychology deals with the study and research of health-related behavior, ie, the study of the effect of good health habits on disease prevention. For example, addiction to alcohol may lead to cirrhosis of the liver and some cancers, as well as to a significant cognitive deterioration, and is concerned with the treatment of addiction and the prevention of relapse, the re-emergence of addiction again.

One of the topics studied by health psychology is the subject of pressure and its impact on individuals from the physiological and behavioral aspects, and how their impact varies from one individual to another?.

Clinical psychology is one of the disciplines in psychology and is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.

Diagnosis is usually performed by clinical interviews and sometimes by psychometric tests. Treatment is carried out by various psychological means, without drugs, which are not entitled to be prescribed.

Clinical psychology studies some personality disorders, mental illnesses, different diagnostic methods, and appropriate treatment techniques for the type of disorder. Clinical psychology uses different treatment methods according to the training, such as:. Neuropsychology is a precise specialization of the psychology and mental health between the brain and behavior, as well as functions directly related to the brain, such as:.

The neuropsychologist helps identify the damaged parts of the brain. This science studies the methods of psychological experimentation, laboratory, and the basic elements of psychological experience. Experimental psychology also offers training in psychological experimentation on vision, hearing, motor coordination, learning, memory, time of reaction and others. The science includes the contributions of the early pioneers of experiential psychology, in addition to basic concepts such as:.

Management psychology is the science that tries to apply the principles, laws, and methodology of general psychology to the staff, employees, and supervisors in the field of management, and thus it tries to answer questions related to the behavior of employees in different companies and institutions. Management psychology helps guide and lead these employees, by what they know themselves and their potential, and helps them to make wise choices for their jobs and put them in appropriate jobs to their potentials and qualifications and experiences and it raise their morale and increases their efficiency and production.

Sports psychology is concerned with the study of psychological, social and educational factors affecting sports behavior towards achieving a high level of performance and athletic achievement. In adapting sports psychology to serve athletes, a new trend has emerged which speaks of the importance of suggesting patterns or psychological models that are consistent with the nature of each sport and the individual personality traits of the player, his duties and his role in the team.

Many psychology students, at the beginning of their studies, do not know what subfield of psychology they want to specialize in. But as you move forward in your studies, you have inspirational professors and some classes that really resonate with you.

Along with most psychology students, you will naturally find the area that is right for you and matches your desires and career goals.

Read more:. Since this qualification is so versatile, career outcomes vary greatly. Here are a few sample career paths available to applied psychology graduates with the right experience:. Interested in an undergraduate psychology degree? A rewarding career awaits. Box Gwynedd Valley, PA Researchers don't just want to know if the results of their experiments apply to the participants in their studies.

They want these results to also apply to larger populations outside of the lab. External validity is often of particular importance in applied research. Researchers want to know that their findings can be applied to real people in real settings.

What are some examples of how applied research is used to solve real-world problems? Applied research is an important tool in the process of understanding the human mind and behavior. Thanks to this kind of research, psychologists are able to investigate problems that affect people's daily lives. This kind of research specifically targets real-world issues. However, it also contributes to our base of knowledge about how people think and behave. Ever wonder what your personality type means?

Sign up to find out more in our Healthy Mind newsletter. National Science Foundation. Definitions of research and development: An annotated compilation of official sources. Updated March Evaluation briefs. Updated August, Helmchen H. Ethical issues in naturalistic versus controlled trials. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. Validity beyond measurement: Why psychometric validity is insufficient for valid psychotherapy research. Front Psychol. McBride D.


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