Apply market research to generate audience insights. Measure content performance. Develop and improve products. List of Partners vendors. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Taxes Income Tax. Part Of. W- Forms. Forms — Forms —A. Table of Contents Expand. The New Form W The Bottom Line. The more accurately you fill it out the less you will owe or be owed when you file your annual income taxes.
The new W-4 form lets you adjust your withholding based on certain personal circumstances, like a second job. You can change your withholding at any time by submitting a new W-4 to your employer.
Article Sources. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy. Compare Accounts. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation.
This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. Related Articles. You Could Owe Tax Penalties. Partner Links. Related Terms Withholding Allowance Definition Withholding allowance refers to an exemption that reduces how much income tax an employer deducts from an employee's paycheck.
It is filled out on Form W Obtaining these documents electronically offers many benefits, including the following: Secure way to receive documents. Eliminates the possibility of lost or stolen statements. Reduces paper and helps the environment. Employees who choose to consent for Electronic Delivery: If an employee selects to consent for electronic delivery they will have access to their tax forms on your scheduled electronic availability date of January 25, Employees who decline to consent to Electronic Delivery: If an employee chooses "not" to consent for electronic delivery and wishes to receive a duplicate copy through My Tax Form, they can obtain these starting on the availability date of February 15, for the tax year.
My Tax Form - Registration Instructions. Documents to help you use the My Tax Form system are below. Note: if you are a current employee, please ensure you update your data through the OU Norman Self Service.
Consent to Online Form Delivery Choose to receive your forms online rather than paper through the mail. Note, if you consented on enrollment, you do not need to consent again. If your W-2 Form is not legible or if you have lost it, contact your employer and request another. If you have not received your W-2 Form, and it is after January 31st, contact your employer to find out if or when it was mailed.
If the W-2 Form was returned to the employer due to incorrect address or was not yet issued, allow at least three weeks for the employer to remail or issue the W-2 Form.
Then, if you still do not receive your W-2 Form, contact the Department toll-free at for assistance. When you call, you will need to provide the following information so we may contact your employer. Contains the amount of local income tax withheld from earnings and reported to the locality identified in Box Your W-2 Form. State income tax Local wages, tips, etc.
If the listed number is incorrect or begins with , contact Payroll immediately at b. Wages, tips, other compensation Contains federal, taxable wages paid within the stated calendar year.
Tax-deferred retirement deductions Box 12E and 12G Select benefit deductions for health insurance payments, dependent care, and medical expense reimbursements NYS tax-deferred retirement Box 14 Parking fee deductions no separate box on W-2 form Taxable benefits e. Top 2. Federal income tax withheld Contains the federal income tax amount withheld from your earnings. Social security wages Social security wages are not always identical to the federal taxable gross wages reported in Box 1.
Top 4. Top 5. Medicare wages and tips Contains the total wages and tips subject to the Medicare hospital insurance component of social security taxes. Top 6. Medicare tax withheld Contains the Medicare tax withheld from your earnings for the Medicare component of social security taxes. Top 7.